Silk Road forums
Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: WinstonWolfe on September 02, 2013, 12:08 pm
To cover the period of time between when the address label is printed and when the package actually ships.
To cover the period of time between when the address label is printed and when the package actually ships.
While I agree with your point I think the bigger issue is the Static Nature of the Status itself. In other words, I would like for there to be different Status Effects but for the name of the Status Itself to be entirely customizable. With this one could "assign" certain Orders based either on predefined rules ( ie. all orders who enter between two time periods automatically get assigned to a specific Group ) or for the ability to manually put them in a category which only the Master Account can access and another Sub-Vendor Account for example ( although this could also be automatic based on Filters/the Product Itself ).
There are many opportunities to Improve this Concept significantly. :)